Welcome to ENT & Head Neck Surgery Department
ENT & Head Neck Surgery offering training to the students of 3rd & 4th Phase by theoretical , practical & clinical teaching .The objectives of the department is to produce community oriented doctor with basic knowledge of common disease of ear , nose and throat with their emergency management. The allocation of teaching hours for the subject is 38 hours for lectures . 4weeks each for clinical bed side training for 3rd & 4th phase Students
Disease profile of OPD patients
- ASOM ,CSOM, OME, Foreign body of ear, OE, Otomycosis, Impacted Wax, Furunculosis, Rupture TM, Aural polyp, Dermoid cyst, Keloid, Mastoid abscess
- Meniere’s disease, Labyrinthitis, Tinnitus, Hearing loss
- DNS with HIT, Epistaxis, Allergic rhinitis, Antrochoanal polyp, Ethmoidal Polyp, Rhinosporidiosis, Foreign body of nose, Fracture nasal bone.
- Sinusitis, Angiofibroma, Inverted papilloma, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
- Acute & Chronic tonsilitis, Peritonsillar abscess, Aphthous Ulcer, Ranula, Oral Carcinoma, Tubercular abscess,
- Multinodular goiter, Cervical lymphadenitis, Thyroglossal cyst, Branchial cyst
Type of IPD Operation
Septoplasty & SMR | Aural polypectomy | Tonsillectomy | Total & Hemithyroidectomy |
Rhinoplasty | Mastoid abscess incision and drainage | Incision & drainage of peritonsillar abscess | Superficial parotidectomy |
Rhinosporidial mass excision | Keloid removal | Retention cyst excision | Incision & drainage of neck abscess |
Nasolabial cyst excision | Foreign body removal | DL biopsy from laryngeal growth | Excision biopsy of cervical lymph node |
Polypectomy | Vestibular stenosis reconstruction | Biopsy from tonsillar carcinoma | Sistrunk operation |
Excision of ranula | Benign mesenchymal tumor excision | Foreign body removal |
Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mozibul Hoque khan | Advisor & Professor Department of ENT |
Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Hossain | Associate Professor & Head Department of ENT |
Dr. Suman kar | Assistant Professor Department of ENT |
Dr. Sheikh Salman Hyder Chowdhury Sonnet | Medical Officer, ENT |